Personal Information Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy of our company
Dear Sir/Madam,
We respect the privacy of your personal information and endeavor to strengthen our commitment to privacy protection in line with the applicable laws and regulations. A Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred as the “Policy”), developed to control the collection, use and protection of the personal information, is outlined below:
I. The scope of application
You or the organization or corporation you represent may provide or enter the personal information of a specific natural person to our company and its affiliates during the ordinary course of business intended to be used for legitimate purposes of contact and services. The Policy covers the collection, use and protection of personal information necessary for various actual needs.
II. Collection and Use of Personal Information
1. We collect, process and use personal information only to the extent necessary for providing services or conducting business.
2. The personal information collected through the customer’s use of the services provided by our company is retained for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes of business. However, if a shorter retention period is required because the database needs re-organization by deleting information or the laws and regulations permit otherwise, the Company will proceed to do so pursuant to applicable procedures or regulations without sending separate notifications to related parties.
3. If there is a need to transfer the personal information collected by the Company internationally, we will handle the transfer in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations.  Our company is obligated to comply with the applicable laws and requirements issued by the competent authority in the receiving country.
III. Information sharing and disclosure
1. The Company may share the personal information with its affiliates. The Policy also applies to the affiliates’ use of such information. The Company and its affiliates may also combine the personal information and other data to improve our products, services and marketing.
2. The Company collects, processes and uses the personal information to the extent necessary to provide services or conduct business. When the Company retains the services of a third-party service provider in the course of business, we will also require the third-party service provider to implement personal information protection measures pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act.  Our company does not sell, exchange or provide the collected personal information to other organizations or individuals unless the owner of the personal information agrees and authorizes to do so or the laws require otherwise. The Company will also provide personal information of a particular individual upon request from government agencies through a formal and legal procedure.
IV. Exercise of the information owner’s rights and consultation
The owner of the personal information has the right to inquire, view, obtain a copy, supplement additional details or revise the said information. He or she may further request to cease collecting, processing and using the information, or to delete the same.
Our company may from time to time revise the Personal Information Protection Policy in response to the social changes, business needs, technology development and amendments of laws. Please refer to the related announcements available on our website to ensure your rights are protected.